Discover the Power of Personal Energy Management and become a magnetizing High Energy Person.
Are you feeling like your life is a never-ending cycle of stress, a cycle of demanding daily routines, endless tasks, and a general lack of vitality? Burn-out, sleeping problems, and physical complaints may be taking a toll, and you can barely recognize yourself.
Do you often feel like you’re on autopilot, just going through the day? Are you tired of letting your environment dictate your life instead of the other way around? It’s time to reclaim your power and break free from the cycle that’s been holding you back.
The missing piece? Energy. Without it, you’re missing out on countless opportunities.
You’ve probably tried various remedies, but it’s time to understand the magic of Personal Energy Management. It doesn’t just address the symptoms; it gets to the root of the problem and heals it.
With unlimited energy, you experience all these new possibilities for success, relationships, health well-being. And you have all the energy necessary to execute them.
I am an Electrical Engineer and Personal Energy Strategist. I show busy businesswomen how they can manage their personal energy and become an Energetic Leader so they have all the energy to live the life they desire. I understand the challenges of juggling a demanding career, family, and personal goals while feeling drained and stuck.
My journey led me to unlock the secrets of personal energy management, and I’m here to show you how YOU can become a magnetizing high-energy person. Your energy is your most important currency. Because for whatever you do, think, feel or experience – you are trading your personal energy for it.
The Abundance Journey show with Elaine Starling
When you were a little, did you always think that you would have a different life? That you will have an amazing job with which you could make an impact on the world? With a supportive husband and free-spirit children in tow?
Instead, your life now consists of a stressful job, school runs and mountains of dirty washing. Are you feeling frustrated and stuck because you’ve been struggling with this persistent situation that just didn’t change no matter how hard you tried? You are not really unhappy. But you can barely recognize yourself. Which makes you feel even more tired and exhausted?
Cornelia’s Energy Mastermind was a remarkable experience that left a lasting impact on me. As our instructor, Cornelia’s positivity and genuine care for each participant’s growth were truly exceptional.
The mastermind had clear objectives, and I can confidently say that all of them were met. We explored various aspects, including communicating effectively with our bodies, making sustainable decisions for long-term well-being, measuring and recharging our energy, harnessing both female and male energy, and overcoming energy blocks and old beliefs while activating new, empowering ones.
What stood out the most was Cornelia’s commitment to empowering us to continue our energy work independently. She provided us with a wealth of knowledge and practical tools that have been invaluable in navigating the challenges of daily life, especially in demanding career roles like top management and thriving in an ever-changing world.
In summary, Cornelia’s Energy Mastermind was an enriching journey that met all of my expectations. I’m deeply thankful for the wisdom and support Cornelia provided throughout the course. This experience has equipped me with life-changing skills, and I highly recommend Cornelia’s mastermind to anyone looking to enhance their understanding of energy and well-being. It’s an inspiring and empowering experience that will leave you better equipped to face life’s challenges with confidence.
Midnight – you are sitting in front of your computer and feel completely tired and exhausted. You don’t know what to do next. You are tired, but you are having this upcoming deadline. You need to have something ready by tomorrow morning. The clock is ticking. Do you know this situation?
You know what I did then? I did Energy Exercise #14 of Cornelia’s book “Change Your Energy – Change your Life” to recharge my energy. I felt like a ray full of energy went right through me and uploaded every cell of my body and my brain. It was incredible.
I felt full of energy and was sitting for 2 hours straight and working completely focused and centered with highest productivity. So if you are tired give yourself the grace of a tiny break and do the exercise. It is like magic.
Feel your energy – Expand your energy – Live your energy.
The energy sector is one of the few industries that will gain massive growth in the coming years and
decades. This doesn’t just mean renewable energies or climate protection. Energy is healing. Energy is boundless abundance. Energy is vitality. Energy is language.
Cornelia’s mastermind course showed me a lot of tools for handling my energy. I’ve a collection of tools I use in the morning to fill me up with energy, protect my energy and make me ready for the day. For me, the energy bubble has the biggest impact and continously reminds me to “stay with me” and not getting distracted by other people’s energy. What I also love are the instruments with which I can recenter myself if anything has thrown me off balance. Especially the ‘hot seat’-training helped me getting rid off some deeply ingrained triggers – and also learning to use the techniques properly.
Thank you for this insightful and very valuable mastermind course.
Cornelia’s Energy Mastermind was a remarkable experience that left a lasting impact on me. As our instructor, Cornelia’s positivity and genuine care for each participant’s growth were truly exceptional.
The mastermind had clear objectives, and I can confidently say that all of them were met. We explored various aspects, including communicating effectively with our bodies, making sustainable decisions for long-term well-being, measuring and recharging our energy, harnessing both female and male energy, and overcoming energy blocks and old beliefs while activating new, empowering ones.
What stood out the most was Cornelia’s commitment to empowering us to continue our energy work independently. She provided us with a wealth of knowledge and practical tools that have been invaluable in navigating the challenges of daily life, especially in demanding career roles like top management and thriving in an ever-changing world.
In summary, Cornelia’s Energy Mastermind was an enriching journey that met all of my expectations. I’m deeply thankful for the wisdom and support Cornelia provided throughout the course. This experience has equipped me with life-changing skills, and I highly recommend Cornelia’s mastermind to anyone looking to enhance their understanding of energy and well-being. It’s an inspiring and empowering experience that will leave you better equipped to face life’s challenges with confidence.
Midnight – you are sitting in front of your computer and feel completely tired and exhausted. You don’t know what to do next. You are tired, but you are having this upcoming deadline. You need to have something ready by tomorrow morning. The clock is ticking. Do you know this situation?
You know what I did then? I did Energy Exercise #14 of Cornelia’s book “Change Your Energy – Change your Life” to recharge my energy. I felt like a ray full of energy went right through me and uploaded every cell of my body and my brain. It was incredible.
I felt full of energy and was sitting for 2 hours straight and working completely focused and centered with highest productivity. So if you are tired give yourself the grace of a tiny break and do the exercise. It is like magic.
Feel your energy – Expand your energy – Live your energy.
The energy sector is one of the few industries that will gain massive growth in the coming years and
decades. This doesn’t just mean renewable energies or climate protection. Energy is healing. Energy is boundless abundance. Energy is vitality. Energy is language.
If you don’t have enough energy you are missing out on many opportunities. Because you just don’t see them. Research has shown that as a low-energy person, your perception is limited because you are running on survival mode.
With unlimited energy, you experience all these new possibilities for success, relationships, health, and well-being. And you have the energy to execute them.
Regarding our futures, I often envision them as hiking paths. They already exist. You naturally flow onto the path that is consistent with the energy that you offer. In fact, you are choosing the paths, based on your energy. The more energy you have the more hiking paths you “see” and hence you can choose from. So the more energy you have, the more opportunities evolve.
The special thing about personal energy management is, that you are not working on the symptoms and trying to mitigate them. No, on the contrary, the aim of personal energy management is always to find the root of the problem and eliminate and heal it. And then all the symptoms go away automatically. It is like magic.
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In this e-book, you’ll discover all you need to know about mastering energetic stress. Plus, 3 superpower hacks that deliver instant relief during those high-stress moments.
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If you want to lead a more fulfilling life whilst having the freedom, empowerment, and (unstoppable) energy to reach your true desire, then trust that you’ve found this book for a reason. In this captivating book, Cornelia combines intriguing scientific insights with powerful energy exercises which take you on an exciting journey to unveil your unique energy.
With this unique two-fold approach, you will be able to confidently embrace new opportunities without needing to become a new person or develop a new mindset. Unleashing your energy enables you to lead a remarkable life whilst making a difference in the lives of others. You can start today to create a new tomorrow!
“An absolute must read for everybody who wants to feel more empowered in these weird chaotic times!
I have done a lot of energy work for the last decade and have perceived it as endless and tiresome, but this book makes it enjoyable and fun. I could feel huge shifts immediately, no need to sit for hours doing talk therapy, meditation, breathwork etc. I tend to skip exercises suggested in books or postpone doing them, but with Cornelia‘s approach doing them gives a huge boost of energy and good vibes. It is the first time that energy work has brought me a sense of joy, creativity and ownership of my life and my mood.
Thanks to this book I now have a brilliant toolbox to assist myself in pretty much any emotionally challenging situation and solve issues I could not solve for years. Cornelia‘a approach includes looking deeply into them and finding unexpected reasons and causes with the wheel of energy blockades. You will feel like a curious researcher discovering so many new things about yourself and getting more befriended with your body. And I love the ease and joy of this process!”
“An absolute must read for everybody who wants to feel more empowered in these weird chaotic times!
I have done a lot of energy work for the last decade and have perceived it as endless and tiresome, but this book makes it enjoyable and fun. I could feel huge shifts immediately, no need to sit for hours doing talk therapy, meditation, breathwork etc. I tend to skip exercises suggested in books or postpone doing them, but with Cornelia‘s approach doing them gives a huge boost of energy and good vibes. It is the first time that energy work has brought me a sense of joy, creativity and ownership of my life and my mood.
Thanks to this book I now have a brilliant toolbox to assist myself in pretty much any emotionally challenging situation and solve issues I could not solve for years. Cornelia‘a approach includes looking deeply into them and finding unexpected reasons and causes with the wheel of energy blockades. You will feel like a curious researcher discovering so many new things about yourself and getting more befriended with your body. And I love the ease and joy of this process!”
Elevate Your Energy Today